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using technology to build better communities

We aim to ensure access to technology resources. We work on this goal by investing into local businesses, nonprofits and residents!

  • Business & Nonprofit Software Solutions
  • House-call technology support for residents
  • Cost-free e-waste recycling
  • Donating repurposed technology
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Community Development & Engagement is our Mission.

Our services are aimed at ensuring local communities are developing, are not being left behind by technology and are being actively engaged from the population. Our aim is to do that through technology and through the people.

Small / Micro Business & Nonprofit Technology Solutions

We offer a range of technology, consulting and setup solututions at no cost to small businesses, nonprofits, community projects & events!

Elderly, Low-income, Disabled & Veteran Services

We provide cost-free setup, repair, moving and support to our community members!

Learn More 

Free E-Waste Recycling 

We offer cost-free curbside pick or drop-off of e-waste to the areas surrounding Sanford(ME) and Rochester(NH).

Learn More 

The Why

Why do we believe in our mission?

We believe that technology services should be accessible without the cost barrier. We aim to stimulate local economies and provide an entry point for nonprofits/community projects.

The How

How we do it?

We are able to run these programs due to individual donations and our 100% volunteer force! Our mission drives our passion for our service grants!


The Impact

What impact are we having?

The impact is and has been amazing! We open up opportunities for nonprofits to receive more funding, for small businesses to attract more local customers and for community projects to be found & supported online!

Our Partnerships & Memberships

Proud Member of the Society for Nonprofits


Happy New Year clipart

End Year Report | Press Release

End Year Report | Press Release

Group of senior adults discussing around a laptop in a warm indoor setting.

Expanding CTS - Press Release

Expanding the Community Technology Services to include in-person services for disadvantaged populations.

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